
PRG Update - January 2010

Paradigm Research Group

PRG Update - January 17 , 2010

PRG In the News

PRG's advocacy work was featured in an extensive article by Timothy Lavin about Gorge Noory and Coast to Coast AM in the Jan/Feb issue of The Atlantic. PRG was also the focus of another article by Daniel Fromson in the Jan/Feb issue of Washington Monthly. If you like these articles, let the magazines know. They love feedback.

PRG Media Schedule

Jan 23, 2010, Saturday, 10 am EST, Universal Talk w/ Joe Marra
Jan 23, 2010, Saturday, 11 pm EST, Exopolitics Radio w/ Alfred Webre
Jan 21, 2010, Thursday, 7 pm EST, Veritas Show w/ Mel Fabregas
Jan 20, 2010, Wednesday, 5 pm EST, Matinee Madness w/ Mike Montgomery

Open Minds Magazine

The future of media will be integrated, cross promotional platforms. The ultimate example of such a multi-platform is: radio, television, website, print publication, online publication, all working together.

That is exactly what Open Minds Production out of Phoenix is about to accomplish when the print and online versions of Open Minds Magazine and Open Minds Television soon join the OM website and radio show already launched. The magazine is due to hit the news stands in a few weeks. Editor Maurizio Baiata has proven he can produce high production value publications and Open Minds Magazine will be of a kind with the late and much missed Omni Magazine - now collector's items.

PRG encourages all who care about UFO/ET and related issues to support this magazine. Look for it on the stands and tell your friends. It is going to represent our issues in stunning fashion.

First Contact TV

The Internet is itself a multi-platform of media. A new HD television series is in development starring: Richard Dolan, Jaime Windon, Michael Lukowiak and Rob Simone. It's directed by John D'Auria. A Facebook page and YouTube channel are already up and running. Sign up and support this program as it utilizes the Internet to reach a worldwide audience.

The Sophia Project - University of Arizona Study

The University of Arizona has announced it will be conducting a scientific study of individual claims of experiencing contact with non(physical)-human entities under the direction of Dr. Gary E. Schwartz. ET contactees will be included in the study.

PRG considers this a very significant development. The near absence of engagement of the UFO/ET issue by U.S. colleges and universities since the 1950's is perhaps the greatest intellectual failure in history. PRG's believes this will be the first time a university will formally study the contact/abduction phenomena . Dr. John Mack's work was done outside of Harvard with an affiliation back to Harvard.through the Cambridge Hospital only because Mack was officed there. Temple University has never engaged the issue. It has just permitted Dr. David Jacobs to keep his job while doing his outside work plus a limited credit course. Dr. Leo Sprinkle was forced to retire from the U. of Wyoming over his outside contactee work.

Furthermore, a systematic effort to parse these accounts could be very revealing. All cultural history is filled with events interpreted by people within the context of what the person knows about the physical world. If someone sees an entity walk through a wall in their bedroom, why would they not consider that a "ghost experience?" But, alas, it is well reported that ET's can come through a wall.

Dr. Gary Schwartz has the stature of Mack and is fully aware of the ET presence. He attended the MIT abduction symposium in 1992 and is going to make sure the ET accounts are properly considered.

It also is worth noting the University of Arizona is where Dr. James E. McDonald worked right up until his suicide. Perhaps the circle is about to be closed at last.

National Declassification Center

[From the White House Blog]
President Obama has issued a new executive order on �Classified National Security Information� that addresses the problem of over-classification in numerous ways and will allow researchers to gain timelier access to formerly classified records. Among the major changes are the following:
* It establishes a National Declassification Center at the National Archives to enable agency reviewers to perform collaborative declassification in accordance with priorities developed by the Archivist with input from the general public.
* For the first time, it establishes the principle that no records may remain classified indefinitely and provides enforceable deadlines for declassifying information exempted from automatic declassification at 25 years.
* For the first time, it requires agencies to conduct fundamental classification guidance reviews to ensure that classification guides are up-to-date and that they do not require unnecessary classification.
* It eliminates an Intelligence Community veto of certain decisions by the Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel that was introduced in the Bush order.
Without question the first year of the Obama administration has been highly problematic. Much has gone wrong. However, in the background and with little attention from the media, efforts to serve the open, transparent promise of the campaign have been ongoing. This is just one example. PRG considers this new Executive Order to be very significant. The administration is building a platform upon which to serve a post-Disclosure reality. It is PRG's view Disclosure is still on the delayed agenda of the Democratic administration of Barack Obama.

Royal Society ET Life Conference

Vatican ET Astrobiology Conference

It seems the study of ET life is on everyone's agenda these days.

On January 25-26, 2010 the prestigious, 350 year old Royal Society of London will conduct a conference on "The detection of extra-terrestrial life and the consequences for science and society." Confirmed speakers include: Simon Conway Morris FRS, Dr Malcolm Fridlund, Paul Davies, Albert A Harrison, Ivan Almar, Michel Mayor, Dr Chris McKay, Charles Cockell, Dr. Kathryn Denning, Colin Pillinger CBE FRS, Ted Peters, Christian de Duve FRS, Dr Frank Drake, and Pascale Ehrenfreund. PRG considers this a timely move on the part of the Royal Society. Very stodgy academics with high opinions of themselves hate to be caught with their pants down and there a lot of pants out there at risk.

Of greater importance is the astrobiology symposium held at the Vatican during the first week of November 2009. Scientists from around the world convened to discuss essentially the same subject matter about to be taken up by the Royal Society. Father Jose Gabriel Funes, the director of the Vatican observatory, is leading the effort positioning the Catholic Church on the right side of the UFO/ET issue as disclosure draws near. Monsignor Corrado Balducci would be very pleased.


Paradigm Research Group
4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 202-215-8344

Open Minds Magazine;

The future of media will be integrated, cross promotional platforms. The ultimate example of such a multi-platform is: radio, television, website, print publication, online publication, all working together.

That is exactly what Open Minds Production out of Phoenix is about to accomplish when the print and online versions of Open Minds Magazine and Open Minds Television soon join the OM website and radio show already launched. The magazine is due to hit the news stands in a few weeks. Editor Maurizio Baiata has proven he can produce high production value publications and Open Minds Magazine will be of a kind with the late and much missed Omni Magazine - now collector's items.

PRG encourages all who care about UFO/ET and related issues to support this magazine. Look for it on the stands and tell your friends. It is going to be represent our issues in stunning fashion.

First Contact TV;

The Internet is itself a multi-platform of media. A new HD television series is coming soon starring: Richard Dolan, Jaime Windon, Michael Lukowiak and Rob Simone. It's directed by John D'Auria. A Facebook page and YouTube channel are already up and running. Sign up and support this program as it utilizes the Internet to reach a wordwide audience.

The Sophia Project - University of Arizona Study;

The University of Arizona has announced it will be conducting a scientific study of individual claims of experiencing contact with non(physical)-human entities under the direction of Dr. Gary E. Schwartz. ET contactees will be included in the study.

PRG considers this a very significant development. The near absence of engagement of the UFO/ET issue by U.S. colleges and universities since the 1950's is perhaps the greatest intellectual failure in history. PRG's believes this will be the first time a university will formally study the contact/abduction phenomena . Dr. John Mack's work was done outside of Harvard with an affiliation back to Harvard.through the Cambridge Hospital only because Mack was officed there. Temple University has never engaged the issue. It has just permitted Dr. David Jacobs to keep his job while doing his outside work plus a limited credit course. Dr. Leo Sprinkle was forced to retire from the U. of Wyoming over his outside contactee work.
Furthermore, a systematic effort to parse these accounts could be very revealing. All cultural history is filled with events interpreted by people within the context of what the person knows about the physical world. If someone sees an entity walk through a wall in their bedroom, why would they not consider that a "ghost experience?" But, alas, it is well reported that ET's can come through a wall.

Dr. Gary Schwartz has the stature of Mack and is fully aware of the ET presence. He attended the MIT abduction symposium in 1992 and is going to make sure the ET accounts are properly considered.

It also is worth noting the University of Arizona is where Dr. James E. McDonald worked right up until his suicide. Perhaps the circle is about to be closed at last.

National Declassification Center;
[From the White House Blog]
President Obama has issued a new executive order on “Classified National Security Information” that addresses the problem of over-classification in numerous ways and will allow researchers to gain timelier access to formerly classified records. Among the major changes are the following:
* It establishes a National Declassification Center at the National Archives to enable agency reviewers to perform collaborative declassification in accordance with priorities developed by the Archivist with input from the general public.
* For the first time, it establishes the principle that no records may remain classified indefinitely and provides enforceable deadlines for declassifying information exempted from automatic declassification at 25 years.
* For the first time, it requires agencies to conduct fundamental classification guidance reviews to ensure that classification guides are up-to-date and that they do not require unnecessary classification.
* It eliminates an Intelligence Community veto of certain decisions by the Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel that was introduced in the Bush order.
Without question the first year of the Obama administration has been highly problematic. Much has gone wrong. However, in the background and with little attention from the media, efforts to serve the open, transparent promise of the campaign have been ongoing. This is just one example. PRG considers this new Executive Order to be very significant. The administration is building a platform upon which to serve a post-Disclosure reality. It is PRG's view Disclosure is still on the delayed agenda of the Democratic administration of Barack Obama.

Royal Society ET Life Conference;

Vatican ET Astrobiology Conference;;

It seems the study of ET life is on everyone's agenda these days.

On January 25-26, 2010 the prestigious, 350 year old Royal Society of London will conduct a conference on "The detection of extra-terrestrial life and the consequences for science and society." Confirmed speakers include: Simon Conway Morris FRS, Dr Malcolm Fridlund, Paul Davies, Albert A Harrison, Ivan Almar, Michel Mayor, Dr Chris McKay, Charles Cockell, Dr. Kathryn Denning, Colin Pillinger CBE FRS, Ted Peters, Christian de Duve ForMemRS, Dr Frank Drake, and Pascale Ehrenfreund. PRG considers this a timely move on the part of the Royal Society. Very stodgy academics with high opinions of themselves hate to be caught with their pants down.

Of greater importance is the astrobiology symposium held at the Vatican during the first week of November 2009. Scientists from around the world convened to discuss essentially the same subject matter about to be taken up by the Royal Society. Father Jose Gabriel Funes, the director of the Vatican observatory, is leading the effort positioning the Catholic Church on the right side of the UFO/ET issue as disclosure draws near. Monsignor Corrado Balducci would be very pleased.


Paradigm Research Group
4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 202-215-8344;

PRG Press Release
January 8, 2010
Fax on Washington A Project of Paradigm Research Group

Washington, DC/Bethesda, MD – Paradigm Research Group (PRG) announced today a renewed international effort to convince Barack Obama to end a 62-year truth embargo preventing formal government acknowledgement of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. Also renewed is pressure on the White House press corps to start asking appropriate questions and demand appropriate answers about connections between key members of the Democratic Party – Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, John Podesta, Leon Panetta and Bill Richardson – and the UFO/ET issue. See: Rockefeller Initiative

Since June 1, 2009 letters, faxes and emails from around the world have been sent to the White House Correspondents’ Association (WHCA) insisting the reporters in the White House press corps begin asking politically related UFO/ET questions and receive appropriate answers. Samples of this correspondence can be viewed here!

On the July 24, 2009 C-Span Morning Show White Press Secretary Robert Gibbs was asked about this correspondence which he declined to acknowledge. Subsequent queries to the WHCA from reporters such as Billy Cox of the Sarasota Herald-Tribune have also been ignored – no response.

In similar fashion thousands of letters, faxes and emails to the President Elect and the President since November 4, 2008 demanding Barack Obama end the truth embargo and call for congressional hearings on the UFO/ET issue have not been acknowledged by the White House – no response. Furthermore, the Citizen’s Briefing Book generated during the transition by the website was stripped of all UFO/ET related input to the Book prior to submission to the President. This is not acceptable. PRG executive director Stephen Bassett stated, “France, Denmark, Canada, Australia, Sweden, Brazil, Russia, the United Kingdom and other countries have recently released tens of thousands of UFO/ET related files into the public domain. The message to the U.S. is clear, ‘If you do not end this truth embargo, one of us will.’” “Either Russia or China would benefit enormously by acting first on this issue,” added Bassett.
Million Fax on Washington:
Rockefeller Initiative:

Contact PRG: 202-215-8344 and


Paradigm Research Group
4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 202-215-8344