
PRG Press Release
January 8, 2010
Fax on Washington A Project of Paradigm Research Group

Washington, DC/Bethesda, MD – Paradigm Research Group (PRG) announced today a renewed international effort to convince Barack Obama to end a 62-year truth embargo preventing formal government acknowledgement of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. Also renewed is pressure on the White House press corps to start asking appropriate questions and demand appropriate answers about connections between key members of the Democratic Party – Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, John Podesta, Leon Panetta and Bill Richardson – and the UFO/ET issue. See: Rockefeller Initiative

Since June 1, 2009 letters, faxes and emails from around the world have been sent to the White House Correspondents’ Association (WHCA) insisting the reporters in the White House press corps begin asking politically related UFO/ET questions and receive appropriate answers. Samples of this correspondence can be viewed here!

On the July 24, 2009 C-Span Morning Show White Press Secretary Robert Gibbs was asked about this correspondence which he declined to acknowledge. Subsequent queries to the WHCA from reporters such as Billy Cox of the Sarasota Herald-Tribune have also been ignored – no response.

In similar fashion thousands of letters, faxes and emails to the President Elect and the President since November 4, 2008 demanding Barack Obama end the truth embargo and call for congressional hearings on the UFO/ET issue have not been acknowledged by the White House – no response. Furthermore, the Citizen’s Briefing Book generated during the transition by the website was stripped of all UFO/ET related input to the Book prior to submission to the President. This is not acceptable. PRG executive director Stephen Bassett stated, “France, Denmark, Canada, Australia, Sweden, Brazil, Russia, the United Kingdom and other countries have recently released tens of thousands of UFO/ET related files into the public domain. The message to the U.S. is clear, ‘If you do not end this truth embargo, one of us will.’” “Either Russia or China would benefit enormously by acting first on this issue,” added Bassett.
Million Fax on Washington:
Rockefeller Initiative:

Contact PRG: 202-215-8344 and


Paradigm Research Group
4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 202-215-8344

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