
PRG Paradigm Research Group

Paradigm Research Group

Second in a series of PRG Updates which are being archived at:

X-Conference 2010 - May 7-9
National Press Club - Washington, DC

The international press release is out and can be viewed at the above link. Coast to Coast AM's George Noory, who will be presenting, has narrated a sixty second promotional spot which can be heard at:

Conference registrations are open and being taken via the website. Hotel registrations should be made ASAP. There are two dozen hotels near the National Press Club. PRG has special pricing arrangements with the Harrington and J. W. Marriott Hotels.

New PRG Project

PRG hopes to announce by the end of the month an important new project which could have significant exopolitical impact.

Upcoming PRG Speaking Venues

Ozark UFO Conference - April 9-11
X-Conference - May 7-9
Nexus Conference - July 24-26
Leeds Exopolitics Conference - August 7-8

PRG Australian/New Zealand Talking Tour

An informal talking tour of Australia and New Zealand by PRG executive director Stephen Basset has now been set for June 26 to July 28. It is being structured around the Nexus conference in Queensland and will start in Perth, Western Australia and work it's way west to east ending in Brisbane. Anyone who might be interested in hosting a stopover in Australia or New Zealand should contact PRG.

PRG Southern European Talking Tour

PRG's executive director will return to Europe for the Leeds Exopolitics Conference in August, and an informal talking tour focusing this time on Ireland, Spain, southern France, Italy, Greece and Turkey is being put together. The tour is expected to run from August 7 through September 10. As with last year's tour PRG will work to promote and expand the Exopolitics World Network. Anyone who might be interested in hosting a stopover in the above countries during that time period, please contact PRG.

PRG on Facebook!/group.php?gid=55377642401&ref=ts (EWN)!/group.php?gid=42084287080&ref=ts (MFW)!/group.php?gid=260156013243&ref=ts (X-Con)

PRG has a growing Facebook presence including the Exopolitics World Network, Million Fax on Washington and the X-Conference. Facebook group pages are important components of the advocacy process and all are invited to join these groups. [Note: The best page for posting or tagging UFO/ET related photos and videos is the Exopolitics World Network. Thanks.]

Open Minds Production

Based in Phoenix this organization is building a multi-media complex addressing UFO/ET related issues. The first Issue of Open Minds Magazine just hit news stands nationwide including Barns and Noble and Borders bookstores. From their website you can also access Open Minds Television, Open Minds Radio and the on-line version of the magazine. In addition OMP is live streaming conferences onto the internet.

Dr. Edgar Mitchell

PRG would like its UK supporters to know Apollo 14 Astronaut and Disclosure advocate Dr. Edgar Mitchell will be appearing in the UK at the St. Wilfrid's Catholic High School, Cutsyke Road, Featherstone, UK on Friday, April 16. Tickets are £30. There will also be a dinner with Dr Mitchell at Wentbridge House Hotel on Thursday April 15 at 7:30pm. Tickets are £60. For more information contact the above email address and include your e-mail and telephone number.


Paradigm Research Group
4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 202-215-8344

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