
Calhoun: Wake-Up Call Jeff Peckman's UFO-friendly Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission could be ready for blast off

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Jeff Peckman.
Jeff Peckman, who spoke to Westword last week about a rash of recent UFO sightings, waited a long time to get his proposal for Denver to create an Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission on the ballot -- but the time might finally be right for Initiative 300.
Because in this crazy Colorado election, an ET proposal seems positively down-to-earth.
At 11 a.m. today at Su Teatro, 721 Santa Fe Drive, Peckman will introduce some supporters of the measure -- among them Robert Salas, the retired Air Force captain who co-hosted the September 27 press conference in Washington, D.C., on UFOs at nuclear missile facilities; Stan Romanek, author of Messages -- the World's Most Documented Extraterrestrial Contact Story, whose controversial film of an alleged alien made headlines a few years ago, and... Veronica Barela?
The former Denver City Council candidate and longtime head of NEWSED is a believer.
"Absolutely," she says. "I have family members who have seen UFOs and other family members who have talked about abductions. To me, there's more life in the universe than just us humans on earth. And there's a huge U.S. government cover-up on this, too."
Barela is endorsing Initiative 300 -- and wouldn't turn down the change to serve on the commission. "If these commissions pop up, they're going to have to think twice about covering this up," she says. "I think Jeff Peckman is very brave to bring this up... Most people I know are voting for it."
To get additional information about the campaign, visit Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission. ET lovers, phone home.
More from our News archive: "UFO believer Jeff Peckman's letter to Barack Obama: 'Tear down this wall' of UFO secrecy."

Wall Street Journal: Colorado Flying-Saucer Believers Have Ghost Hunters in Their Sights

Denver May Not Be Big Enough for Both; Earthlings to Decide on UFO Haven

DENVER—There has been plenty of partisan rancor across Colorado as Election Day approaches. Here in the capital, it's out of this world.

Ballot Initiative 300 would require the city to set up an Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission, stocked with Ph.D. scientists, to "ensure the health, safety and cultural awareness of Denver residents" when it comes to future contact "with extraterrestrial intelligent beings or their vehicles."

See more about Jeff HERE and HERE!
                                        Chris Schneider for the Wall Street Journal

Jeff Peckman is pushing Initiative 300, which would create an extraterrestrial affairs commission in Denver.

Promoting the initiative: Jeff Peckman, a silver-haired entrepreneur who lives with his parents. "Low overhead," he explains. Mr. Peckman is a firm believer in intergalactic life, though he has never been personally contacted by an alien. That gives him more credibility, he says; it's harder to dismiss him as biased.

Mr. Peckman has recruited about 20 volunteers for his campaign.
They face an impassioned opposition led by Bryan Bonner, who dismisses the unidentified-flying-object buffs as delusional if not outright frauds.

One thing about Mr. Bonner: He spends his spare time crawling through spooky spaces, deploying remote digital thermometers, seismographs, infrared cameras, electromagnetic field detectors and Nerf balls in pursuit of evidence of the paranormal. He is, in short, a ghost hunter.