
Jeff Peckman: Open letter to President Obama

Dear Mr. President,
Americans have been imprisoned for over 60 years behind a 'Berlin wall' of oppressive lies and secrecy about UFOs and extraterrestrial visitors. Those who dared to escape this prison and expose the truth have been threatened, harassed, assaulted, and worse, by agents of the U.S. Government. This letter is an appeal to end such illegal and un-American activities and to disclose secret UFO files.

Your first calendar year in office has been admirable. Even your first day in office included your historic memorandum stating that, "The Government should not keep information confidential merely because public officials might be embarrassed by disclosure, because errors and failures might be revealed, or because of speculative or abstract fears."

Your memorandum of December 30, 2009 continued this theme by stating that "no information may remain classified indefinitely" with respect to national security. Your instruction in the same memorandum, to "identify classified information that no longer requires protection and can be declassified", potentially opens the gate for your historic effort toward openness in government, but only if applied.

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