
The First Exopolitics Conference in Peru

The First Peruvian Exopolitics Conference will be held on December 9th and 10th.

It will present two speakers live, and two speakers through skype.

The presenters who will be presented live are: Doctor Anthony Choy, who is the founder member of the " ufo" office of the Peruvian Air Force, and Physician Jason Méndez, who is a professor at Callao University in Lima, and has an important role in the UFO disclosure in Peru.

The two presenters through skype will be:

Doctor Michael Salla, who will speak about the evidence in the UFO and extraterrestrial investigation

Paola Harris will speak about humanoids and ET submarine bases.

The event will be seen through internet, live, in Spanish and English, at: , on December 9th and 10th, starting at 23: 30 GMT Time.

Luis Vásquez Coronel

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