
UFOs and the National Security State – The Cover-up Exposed

Research author Richard M. Dolan tells all about orchestrated government concealment

Toronto, Ontario, Canada, October 29, 2009 – Author and research historian Richard M. Dolan has released a devastating work implicating international governments, clearly tethered by the concealment, secrecy tactics and control of the USA, in an orchestrated cover-up of the physical and political reality of the phenomenon known as unidentified flying objects.

In fact Dolan’s presentation is a book-theatre on the UFO cover-up. It is a veritably pristine and precise page after page wave of details citing chapter and verse of government complicity and political mendacity in its tactics to conceal the reality of the UFO phenomenon for decades.

One analyst from within the UFO research community said, “If one journalist in each of the major mainstream radio or television investigative news programs were to read this book – the cover-up would end, tomorrow – a true Cosmic Watergate in the making.”

In addition to reviewing dozens of UFO sightings Richard Dolan presents factual material on a wide range of topics describing, with meticulous care government attempts to conceal this matter: inexplicable technologies, UFO crashes, documented sightings by Presidents Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter, Area 51, pilot sightings and government documents indicating the deep concern officials have for the UFO issue.

With absolutely no ambiguity or doubt Dolan states: “The following pages are a methodical presentation of facts and analysis that show the UFO phenomenon to be something most assuredly ‘not us’. It is also a reality that is actively being covered-up. It is a phenomenon so significant that elements of the human power structure have made it their priority to keep information about it strictly to themselves, apparently at all costs. As to the identity of the secret keepers, many sources culled from several decades of leaks… make a reasonable case that they are beyond nation’s. The U.S. power structure, while still integral to the system of secrecy, may not be the final word has it once was.”

Review a PR.COM News Press release on the announced book unveiling at:

Visit Richard M. Dolan’s web site/Click!)

To purchase the book visit!

To contact Richard:

PRG Paradigm Research Group

Update - October 24, 2009
PRG Northern Europe Speaking Tour (Click!)

PRG's speaking tour of Northern Europe is competed. Europe is playing an increasingly active role in the Disclosure process and interest in the UFO/ET issue and exopolitics in general is growing rapidly. The speaking tour had four basic goals: 1) learn more about what Europeans think about the UFO/ET issue, 2) increase awareness of the Disclosure process underway in the United States, 3) bring new country websites into the Exopolitics World Network, and 4) find new support for the advocacy work ahead.

Some of the events were public venues, i.e. conferences, and had websites. Others were in private homes. All venues and the trip itself would not have been possible without the generosity of many wonderful hosts and conference producers. They are: Usko Ahonen, Steve Aspin, Bjorn Borg, Gildas Bourdais, Janis Cooney, Vincent Deprez, Jean-Charles and Christine Duboc, Robert Fleischer, Danny Ghoos, David Griffin, Graham and Santha Hancock, Dave Hodrien, Ruth Huber, Tapani Koivula, Franky Ma, Belinda McKenzie, Ryan Nichols, Olli Pajula, Didier de Plaige, Nick Pope, Simon and Edith Pople, Bill Ryan, Torbjorn Sassersson, Glen Schofield, Kim Stensbol, Sacha Adams Stone, David Truman, David Turley and Frederik Uldall.

A trip that would have cost many thousands of dollars cost only hundreds. Such generosity can only be properly repaid in one manner - the success of the Disclosure movement. To all my old and new friends in Europe my heartfelt thanks. This movement will succeed.

Stephen Bassett

Plans are already underway for a February/March trip through Southern Europe and hosts are being sought for the countries of Portugal, Spain, Southern France, Southern Switzerland, Italy, Greece and Turkey.

PRG Speaking Schedule - November(Click!)

PRG executive director will speak at two conferences in November about the accelerating pace of Disclosure and about the Europe tour. They are:

Crash Retrieval Conference - Las Vegas - November 6-8 (Click!)
Ryan Wood always puts on a fine conference and the rooms in Vegas have rarely been cheaper. Hope to see you there.

Alienevent - New Hope for Humanity - Los Angeles - November 14-15
David Farman is creating bridges between people and ideas. It is notable this conference will be held at a Persian cultural center. Also the conference will be live streamed over the internet at no charge (though contributions will be accepted and appropriate). Come and support this effort to bring the cutting edge issues to a wider audience.

There is a great deal happening all at once right now, and another PRG Update will follow very soon.


Paradigm Research Group
4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814 202-215-8344