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ZlandCommunications Achieves a New Web Presence

First Canadian news service to profile UFO/ET News World-wide

Toronto, Ontario, Canada, October 21, 2009 – The ZlandCommunications news service has established a new internet web presence. ZlandCommunications is the first Canadian news service that profiles international breaking news and political analysis of the fastest growing information on the planet.

As stated on the web site – “ZlandCommunications is a news service dedicated to the compilation, world-wide distribution and analysis of news relating to the Disclosure of information concerning the Extraterrestrial presence engaging the planet.

This presence is manifested by the UFO phenomenon and other related anomalous events.

The Geo-political impact of the world-wide Disclosure of the UFO phenomenon, the high degree of government secrecy and the clearly apparent Extraterrestrial origins of this phenomenon are poised to forge new avenues of journalistic investigation and inquiry. ZlandCommunications is at the forefront of this global news paradigm transition….”

In a year when Canadian and world-wide UFO sightings have experienced double digit percentage increases, ZlandCommunications will not simply report on UFO sightings but will look at the political and social implications of this phenomenon and why governments continue to employ strict secrecy and silence with regard to the UFO issue and why most mainstream media refuse to engage this matter.

What is available for journalists on this new web site?

High Profile News Releases – concerning current UFO/ET related events from around the world.
Government Documents – access to authenticated memoranda and letters obtained from freedom of information requests that clearly prove an undeniable historical government involvement in UFO secrecy.
Free Energy News – concerning new technologies and energy sources that can replace fossil fuels but that are not available to the public due to government secrecy.
Archived News Releases – from ZlandCommunications’ wealth of data from international sources.
Statements by world renowned spokespersons – Dr. Edgar Mitchell former Apollo 14 astronaut, the Rt. Hon. Paul Hellyer former Canadian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Defense.
Articles by researchers
Audio and Video highlights of significant UFO/ET related events.

Watch for ZlandCommunications’ next news release as it expands its international coverage of the social, economic and political implications of the UFO/ET issue.

To write to ZlandCommunications with inquiries, comments, news tips or research breakthroughs, please use the contact information below.

“One day, very soon every mainstream electronic, print and internet news service on the planet will fiercely compete to find the breaking news about the Extraterrestrial and UFO reality – you - have found it right here.” News Director

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Contact Information:


Toronto Ontario Canada



A News Service that takes you to the edge and beyond…

[ZlandCommunications is a sole proprietorship owned and operated by ZNN - the ZlandCommunications News Network]